Helping Families With Premature Babies

Posted on Monday, 2 July 2018

Canterbury League Club has donated $15,000 to support the Miracle Babies Foundation in delivering expert care to newborn sick babies.

The Club has supported the foundation since 2014 and the donation will go towards providing 500 NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care) Packs to families with a premature baby.

Every year 48,000 babies require special assistance from a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or Special Care Nursery (SCN).

Of these babies, 27,000 are born premature and up to 1,000 will lose their fight for life.

‘Our continuous support represents hope to families that need it most and we are able to make a difference in the lives of newborns,’ said George Coorey, Chairman of Canterbury League Club.
‘No parent should have to go through this alone or watch their newborn fight for their life. During this overwhelming journey, the packs are available to provide support and guidance.’

The packs include:
• A guide book that covers most aspects and concerns shared by parents to give parents a better understanding of neonatal care
• A beautiful journal to help families document and create a memento of their baby’s early life
• Babylove premmie nappy
• Water wipes that are the world’s purest baby wipes that contain no chemicals
• A keepsake item that has been knitted and sewn from the generous community. This include beanies, booties and gowns
• Details and information on local services through the community nurture groups

The packs are very special to all families, especially the keepsake items as it is allows the parents to dress the baby. This provides a sense of normality for the parents.

For more information about The Miracle Babies Foundation visit,

02 9704 7777