Homework a breeze with after-school program

Posted on Tuesday, 29 July 2014

A collaboration between Canterbury League Club and Riverwood Community Centre has seen primary school children getting more help with completing their homework.

The Homework Help program, overseen by two qualified primary school teachers, is offered twice a week on Mondays or Tuesdays in the afternoons; and is open to children residing within Riverwood and surrounding areas. The teachers are supported by volunteers who help students with their enquiries and provide them with relevant resources to complete their tasks.

“Students participating in the program have lots of learning opportunities and numerous benefits including understanding the importance of working independently, planning their work and completing their tasks within the time frame,” said Nadia Saleh, Team Leader at Riverwood Community Centre.

The Centre has identified that parents from CALD backgrounds find supporting their children with their education challenging – this was one of the driving motivations to run this program. So far over 35 students are utilising this new service.

A funding of $5174 was provided by Canterbury to cover the costs of the two school teachers from Narwee Public School as well as administration costs. The program will be run by the teachers for two school terms before being transferred to trained volunteers.

“Children who have a better grasp of their homework and the concepts taught in school will have higher self-esteem and will achieve better results overall. A program like this allows these kids to reach their fullest potential during their formative years,” said Dr George Peponis OAM, Chairman of Canterbury League Club.

after-school program

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