Hope is where the heart is

Posted on Monday, 1 April 2019

Childhood brain cancer is a disease that has grasped the hearts of all those in the community.

$3,000 has been donated by Canterbury League Club to the Little Legs Foundation which helps raise money and awareness for childhood brain cancer.

The Little Legs Foundation was formed when Sue-Ellan Vasilou lost her daughter, Alegra to brain cancer.

Sue-Ellan wanted the foundation to be a reminder to her siblings of the vibrant life Alegra had while helping to raise money for the disease.

Alegra was diagnosed with brain cancer just days before Christmas in 2016 and had her first initial tumor removed by world renowned brain surgeon Charlie Teo.

After the tumor was removed, Alegra had 6 weeks of radiotherapy.

During treatment, Alegra had just started kindergarten at PLC in Croydon and she never missed a day.

Alegra continued to swim, dance and attend gymnastic classes.

Alegra never let the disease define her and continued to live a vibrant life like any other kindergarten student.

In just under 10 months, the incurable disease took Alegra’s life.

‘We were so touched by little Alegra’s story, that we knew we had to do something,’ said George Coorey, Chairman of Canterbury League Club.

‘By helping foundations like Little Legs, we can get one step closer to finding a cure.’

To learn more about The Little Legs Foundation visit https://www.littlelegsfoundation.org.au/

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