Posted on Monday, 31 August 2015

Construction of the basement level kitchens underneath Flame Pizza + Grill and the concrete foundations for the new café are now complete. The main driveway leading into the porte cochere at the front of the Club has been reopened and Members and guests can enjoy the convenience of being easily dropped off at the front entrance of the Club again.

The outline of the new café is now visible as it moves onto the next stage of construction – building up the walls to form the shell of the new café area.

Construction of the new multi-storey underground car park at the front around the Club’s iconic volcano feature has just commenced with Parkview Group, the successful tenderer for this stage of the project.

Excavators will soon begin working in the central garden to make space for 350 extra car spaces which will span over four levels, each with its own parking guidance system and bay indicators for the convenience of our Members and guests.

Basement Level 1 of the new car park will also include a brand new cellar storage area as well as a multi-bay loading dock which will make it more accessible for the Club to receive supplies. While the car park construction is taking place, Members will still continue to enjoy unrestricted access to the existing multi-storey car park behind the Club.

Aside from works above, a lot of other builds have taken place behind the scenes including rerouting pipes that supply water to the internal waterfall feature and the fire hydrants on Bridge Road, and installing additional power lines to support the increased infrastructure.

You can keep up-to-date with all the latest development news by following our website, Facebook and Twitter pages. Regular updates will also be available in every Journal.

02 9704 7777