Since it was launched in October 2015, more than 600 tonnes of food have been distributed to feed over 130,000 individuals and families in NSW.
Canterbury’s donation was used to redevelop their current website to make it easier for their clients to order online as well as to purchase a walkie stacker to help move pallets around their warehouse.
“The new website can be expected to launch within the next six months. This will be a great resource to better present and communicate who we are to a wider audience and also include functionality for community building and supplier recognition,” said Leanne.
“Low income families are being squeezed on both ends by high Sydney rents as well as other living costs such as bills so it is wonderful that a service like this exists. Healthy and nutritious food does more than just fill the belly; it keeps the person physically healthy and mentally motivated which has a flow on effect to their productivity at work and minimises their burden to the healthcare system,” said Dr George Peponis OAM, Chairman of Canterbury League Club.