A day out for the Inner Western Circle

Posted on Friday, 27 September 2013

Members and their carers of the Inner Western Circle (IWC) were treated to a day of fun entertainment and lunch at Canterbury.

IWC is an organisation that provides leisure activities, gentle exercise and advocacy for persons with intellectual disabilities and their carers.

The morning started off with a meeting followed by performances led by instructor, Greg Kiernan. Various members of the group sang, dance and performed for each other.

Lunch at the Banyan Brasserie was a special affair due to the recovery and return of their Director in Charge, Dolores Wright. The dedicated leadership of Dolores and Edith Wright have allowed IWC to continue their activities and provide this type of special service to the community.

“Special mention goes out to Mark Adler for his continual support. We would also like to thank Canterbury League Club for their continuous financial support through their ClubGrants program, as well as the use of the Paragon room for our activities and luncheons, and the C-Life gym facilities and instructors,” said Ms Wright.

For anyone wanting more information about IWC, please contact Dolores or Edith Wright on 02 9642 3320 or 0410 056 685.

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