C-Life raises money for Movember

Posted on Wednesday, 18 December 2013

C-Life team Can-tache-bury did their bit for men’s health in Movember by growing moustaches and raising a total of $1614.

For the first time, five Mo’Bros and one Mo’Sista from the gym took part in the month long event which raises worldwide awareness for prostate and testicular cancer, and men’s’ mental health.

Their top-earning fundraiser was member John Kospetas who raised $695 in donations. Canterbury League Club supported Movember by donating another $499 and another $420 came from the C-Life Christmas Party ticket proceeds.

“This year was a learning experience, we’ll be bigger and better next year!” said Mariana Tolj, Team Leader at C-Life.

For further information or to donate, log onto au.movember.com

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