Canterbury League Club Helps Feed The Homeless With Maronites on Mission

Posted on Friday, 28 December 2018

Providing hot meals, volunteers and warm clothes is just a few of the many ways Canterbury League Club has supported Maronites On Mission.

Over the years, more than $165,000 has been donated in both cash and in-kind support.

Maronites On Mission began when a group of Maronites returned from a medical mission in the Philippines.

The group noticed that there was something that needed to be done in their own backyard and started by holding barbeques on Thursday to feed the homeless.

Now, Maronites on Mission has 6 food outreach destinations that include Wentworth Park in Glebe, Belmore Park in Central and Martin Place in Woolloomooloo.

Canterbury League Club has been a major sponsor of Maronites On Mission since the beginning when MOM put in a ClubGrant application for a new van.

To date, the partnership between Canterbury League Club and Maronites On Mission is the longest and most successful staff community program. In 2017 this partnership was recognised when the Club won Club & Community Award.

On last Thursday of each month, Canterbury’s head chef prepares hot meals for the food runs and 6 staff members volunteer their time to help hand out the meals.

Maronites On Mission has a profound impact on the community with more than 17,000 meals and conversations that have happened through the charity.

“We are proud to continue working with the Maronites On Mission to give back to those who need it most,” said George Coorey Chairman of Canterbury League Club.

“All around the Club, staff are involved in the program and are given opportunities to lend helping hands and start conversations that can save lives.”

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