Meet Canterbury’s Rave Champions

Posted on Friday, 1 November 2019

Once a year Canterbury League Club takes the opportunity to recognise the achievements of their staff members at their annual Staff Awards Night.

One of the awards presented on the night was the RAVE Champion award – RAVE stands for Real Acts of Value and Excellence. Every year it is presented to four staff members who exhibit Canterbury’s CARE values in their day-to-day work and go that extra mile to provide a memorable experience to their customers and each other.

Congratulations to this year’s RAVE Champion winners: Noor Uddin, Parthena Aslanidis, Marcel Eid and Sofoklis Zagas!

Noor Uddin, Personal Trainer at C-Life

Years at Canterbury: 6

Best thing about working at Canterbury: The feeling I get from helping members from all walks of life get fitter and healthier through exercise. I was fortunate to land my dream job at a young age.

Staff pro tip: Instead of heading back from work and flopping onto the couch to watch your favourite Netflix show, head to the gym and catch up from a treadmill, bicycle or cross trainer. This way, you can enjoy watching your program but get fit at the same time!

Marcel Eid, Security and Surveillance

Years at Canterbury: 8.5

Best thing about working at Canterbury: Having great bosses to work under, and building a good relationship with staff and patrons.

How did you feel when your name was called out as a RAVE Champion? I felt appreciated and wanted to celebrate with a Tooheys or two.

Parthena Aslanidis, Gaming

Years at Canterbury: 3

Best thing about working at Canterbury: The amazing people definitely make the workplace that much better. Having a good crew sets such a great aura in the environment.

Staff pro tip: I am probably one of the worst people to ask about food tips as I struggle picking favourites – I eat absolutely everything. In saying that, there is a variety of menu options throughout the Club which is really good.

Sofoklis Zagas, Team Leader Food and Beverage

Years at Canterbury: 4

Best thing about working at Canterbury: The Club provides for its workers and the positive relationships you build with employees and members.

How did you feel when your name was called out as a RAVE Champion? Once the shock was over and I was walking to the stage, it felt like an honour.

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