Millions of steps walked for health initiative

Posted on Monday, 4 September 2017

91 Canterbury staff members successfully crossed the finish line of the Virgin Pulse Global Challenge after walking through their 100-day journey.

The step challenge and health initiative, which commenced three months ago on 24 May, encouraged teams of seven from all over the world to walk and exercise more to increase their daily movement. The end goal was to improve their physical and psychological health by encouraging more exercise, healthier eating, mindfulness and improved sleep quality.

Canterbury was represented by 13 teams from different departments including Human Resources, C-Life, Engage Hosts, Warehouse, Marketing, Food & Beverage, IT and Finance.

By the end of the challenge, Canterbury staff participants walked a combined total of 114 million steps and covered 72,962 kilometres – equivalent to driving around the coast of Australia five times over!

While every staff member who participated is a winner due to their increased health and fitness, special mention goes to the Engage Team who were the top-performing steppers with a combined total of 15 million steps. The top-performing individual stepper award went to Supervisor Dominic; in one day he managed to take over 80,000 steps!

“This program was well-received by staff – it goes to show that we have many who are conscious about their health and well-being, and Canterbury is proud to support an initiative which keeps staff fit, healthy and happy. Congratulations to everyone who completed the challenge and hopefully it has set the good habit of walking at least 10,000 steps a day,” said Dave Brace, CEO of Canterbury League Club.

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