New freezer for Meals On Wheels

Canterbury Meals on Wheels has just installed a new freezer that was purchased from a donation presented by Canterbury League Club.
For over 48 years, Canterbury Meals on Wheels has been servicing the local community with fresh meals prepared 5 days a week in their Campsie Kitchen.
The community based organisation was set up in response to concerned local residents who wrote to Council about elderly and disabled neighbours who required a meal service.
“We are so thankful for the donation provided by Canterbury League Club which has allowed us to purchase the much-needed freezer,” Christine Pape, Manager of Canterbury Meals On Wheels said.
“We are now able to produce a greater variety of menu items each day as well as cater to different requirements and preferences.”
Over the past 12 months, Canterbury Meals on Wheels has looked after 300 clients, and sent out 150 meals daily that included a mix of chilled, hot and frozen foods.
Each meal consists of a main dish, a dessert and a piece of fruit.
The menu is on a 5-week rotation cycle and ranges from spaghetti meatballs to curries and includes roast dinners.
“We are proud to support Canterbury Meals on Wheels and the important work that they do for the local community,” George Coorey Chairman of Canterbury said.
“Canterbury Meal on Wheels offers nutritious and balanced meals to those who need it most in our local community. The tireless work of the volunteers ensures that meals are delivered each day and acts as an informal monitoring service.”
To learn more about Canterbury Meals on Wheels visit