Sydney Story Factory has teamed up with Punchbowl Boys High School to deliver creative writing programs to grades 7,9 and 10.
The writing programs are delivered by trained volunteers from the community who help introduce storytelling concepts such as script writing, slam poetry and short stories.
To help fund and support the program, Canterbury League Club donated $14,980.
The program is delivered to young people who are Indigenous or from non-English speaking backgrounds, who are at the most risk of poor literacy, leaving school early and significantly reduced life outcomes.
‘It’s been fantastic to watch the boys discover their creativity and open themselves up to new experiences through working with tutors from different backgrounds,’ said Rebecca Smith, storyteller and leader of Punchy Stories.
‘One of my favorite moments was when the year 7 boys discovered they will be participating in the program again in term 4; The loud cheering was awesome.’
Throughout this experience, the boys learnt how to build empathy, communication skills and confidence which empowered them to re-engage at school to help make the most of their education.
At the completion of the term, each boy received a published anthology of their work as a memento for their achievements.
‘Empowering and providing confidence to our high school students with literacy skills will not only change their future but provide change in their community,” said George Coorey, Chairman of Canterbury League Club.
‘The program aims to help marginalized youth to re-engage with education and channel their emotion into something else that is creative and help them achieve a positive future.’
For more information about the Story Factory, visit http://www.storyfactory.org.au