Seminar raising awareness in seniors

Posted on Thursday, 27 June 2024

Canterbury League Club’s new 500-seat Showroom was put to good use earlier this month by hosting Canterbury Bankstown City Council’s annual Seniors Safety and Wellbeing Seminar.

The seminar ran through a variety of programs and workshops promoting safety for seniors, as well as a range of other topics including community safety, scam and fraud awareness, road safety and home fire safety.

“The goal and objective of this year’s annual Seniors Safety and Wellbeing seminar was to provide information and resources that could help aid, improve and promote safe and healthy wellbeing for Seniors in Canterbury Bankstown,” said Stephen Williamson, Community Safety and Crime Prevention Officer of Canterbury Bankstown City Council.

“We had approximately 250 seniors that attended our seminar event and we received positive feedback from our post-event survey.”

Guest speakers from different organisations were also invited to speak at the seminar – Seniors Rights Services discussed seniors’ rights and the law, NSW Ambulance Service provided information on safety and wellbeing at home, and CASS Care gave tips on balanced and healthy nutrition.

Other special guest speakers included Councillor Rachelle Harika, Canterbury Bankstown City Council Deputy Mayor, The Honourable Jodie Harrison MP, Minister of Seniors via a video address, Fire and Rescue NSW, NSW Police, the Accredited Exercise Physiologists from Activempowerment, Canterbury Bankstown Council Road Safety Officers and ID Support NSW.

Canterbury League Club supported by providing the venue free of charge – showing their support for important community education sessions like this.

“The seminar helped to enhance Council’s relationship with seniors in our Local Government Area, and improve and promote their safety and healthy wellbeing,” said Mr Williamson.

More information can be found on the Canterbury Bankstown City Council website here

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