Posted on Monday, 24 June 2019

Long time community partner, Variety – the Children’s Charity, has received a $20,000 donation from Canterbury League Club to support children who are sick, disadvantaged or living with special needs.

The donation allows Variety to provide practical help and essential support to kids and their families by purchasing medical and mobility supplies and equipment, therapy services, and paying for things like vehicle modifications and educational resources. Without adequate support, these kids would have higher rates of health and behavioral problems and are less likely finish school.

“We receive no Government funding so we rely on the generous support of our community sponsors including Canterbury League Club. It’s only because of this support that we can help close to 40,000 kids in NSW and ACT with grants and programs that are designed to increase their quality of life, self-esteem, connection to the community and decrease the strain on families,” said Sally Ross, Motoring Events Coordinator at Variety – the Children’s Charity.

“Canterbury’s relationship with Variety has now spanned almost a decade and over $120,000 in total grants. We are proud to have contributed to enriching the lives of many children with special needs living in our community,” said George Coorey, Chairman of Canterbury League Club.

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